Igbimọ Igbala Surf- (RB03) Awọn igbimọ igbala igbesi aye hiho awọn igbimọ igbala igbala igbesi aye awọn igbimọ igbala igbesi aye

Surf Rescue Board-(RB03)lifeguard rescue boards surf life saving boards lifeguard rescue boards Featured Image
  • Surf Rescue Board-(RB03)lifeguard rescue boards surf life saving boards lifeguard rescue boards
  • Apejuwe kukuru:

    Awoṣe No. RB-03, Surf RESCUE BOARD, Iwọn: 12'0'x 26" x 3.7" Iwọn iwuwo EPS mojuto, Epoxy resin/fibreglass, Awọn chamfers meji (iṣinipopada osi + iṣinipopada ọtun) 7pcs mu (4+4) +1) to wa, Eva dekini paadi to wa. Fin to wa.

    Apejuwe ọja

    ọja Tags

    Awoṣe No.. RB-03,


    Ìtóbi:12'0′'x 26" x 3.7"

    Iwọn iwuwo giga EPS mojuto, epoxy resini/fibreglass,

    Awọn chamfer meji (ọkọ oju-irin osi + iṣinipopada ọtun)
    Awọn ọwọ 7pcs (4+4+1) pẹlu,

    EVA dekini paadi to wa.

    Fin to wa.

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