Tag nrho ib ncig-(SUP Bamboo Veneer 21) sup board sawv ntsug paddleboard xyoob sup board xyoob paddleboard paddle board sup

All around-(SUP Bamboo Veneer 21)sup board stand up paddleboard bamboo sup board bamboo paddleboard paddle board sup Featured Image
  • All around-(SUP Bamboo Veneer 21)sup board stand up paddleboard bamboo sup board bamboo paddleboard paddle board sup
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    Product Description: CONSTRUCTION: Eps core + Ntoo Stringer + 2.5 txheej 6oz Fibregalss + Epoxy AB Resin + Painting PolishSpecification: Ntev: Los ntawm 9' mus rau 14' Dav: Los ntawm 28 "mus rau 40" Thickness: Los ntawm 4 "Any loj 8" ( tuaj yeem kho tau) Hom TOPSURFING Yam khoom SUP BOARD Daim tawv nqaij tiag tiag Xyoob Veneer Cov Khoom Siv EPS Ua Npuas Ncauj Core + Epoxy + Fiberglass + Xyoob Veneer Loj los ntawm 8' rau 16' Kev Tsim Kho -High Density EPS core nrog stringer, zoo li CNC shaping tshuab- 2.5 txheej 6oz fibergl ...

    Product Detail

    Khoom cim npe

    Product Description:

    CONSTRUCTION: Eps core + Ntoo Stringer + 2.5 txheej 6oz Fibregalss + Epoxy AB Resin + Painting Polish Specification: Ntev: Los ntawm 9' mus rau 14'

    Dav: Los ntawm 28 "mus rau 40"

    Thickness: Los ntawm 4 "mus rau 8" (Txhua qhov loj tuaj yeem kho tau)

    Yam khoom SUP BOARD
    Daim tawv nqaij Bamboo Veneer tiag tiag 
    Khoom siv EPS Ua Npuas Ncauj Core + Epoxy + Fiberglass + Xyoob Veneer
    Loj los ntawm 8' mus rau 16'
    Kev tsim kho   -High Density EPS core nrog stringer, zoo li tus CNC shaping tshuab- 2.5 txheej 6oz fiberglass nrog 0.5mm xyoob veneer rau saum & hauv qab- Txhim kho nrog cov txheej fiberglass ntxiv ntawm kev tsheb nqaj hlau, qhov ntswg thiab tus Tsov tus tw-Fin system: 1 nruab nrab fins thiab 2 sab FCS fins
    Tsim Xim Txau, Hloov Dej thiab ib qho kev cai luam tawm duab
    Ua kom tiav Sanded los yog gloss (polish)
    Primary Competitive Advantage - tiag tiag xyoob veneer (naturally grain / dawb xim) inlay,- nrog tag nrho cov duab luam tawm ntawm lub xyoob ntoo.- handcraft nrog xim stained ntawm xyoob lawj.- handcraft nrog maj mam hloov xim ntawm lawj + ntsia.- Zoo EPS dawb paug nrog 5mm stringer- Sab saum toj ntshiab kub txheej.- Lub tshuab nqus tsev vacuum- Txaus siab rau kev pabcuam ua ntej muag & kev pabcuam tomqab muag
    Lub sij hawm xa tuaj  25 hnub rau 20′ thawv;35 hnub rau 40′HC thawv
    Ntim Cov Lus Qhia  Bubble Wrap + carton reinforce (lub qhov ntswg, tail thiab rail reinforcement) + Carton box
    MOQ  10 pcsqauv txiav txim yog txais
    Nco ntsoov: -Txhua qhov loj me, duab, xim thiab lub logo tuaj yeem kho.- dav & Thickness: raws li koj xav tau.- Kev xa khoom sai- Txaus siab rau kev pabcuam ua ntej muag & kev pabcuam tomqab muag

    SUP-BV-21-01 SUP-BV-21-02 SUP-BV-21-03 SUP-BV-21-04 SUP-BV-21-05

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