Have you ever wondered how your favorite surfboard evolved and what surfing was like in ancient times? Well, these questions can be answered by taking a look at the dynamic history of the surfboard. Surfing is an adventure; a hobby to the average surfer and a passion to the skillful one. The rid...Read more »
Today’s surfing craze has led the industry to extreme board design innovations, such as unique surfboard bottom contours, that are scientifically proven to give surfboards the best performance in a variety of wave conditions. Surfboard shapers have taken advantage of hydrodynamic engineeri...Read more »
Essentially a surfboard fin is a hydrofoil that is mounted underneath a surfboard near its tail. The purpose of having a surfboard fin is to enable surfers to steer their surfboards. Surf fins are placed in an almost perpendicular angle to the bottom of the board and are designed to help surfers...Read more »
Among the hundreds of shapers manufacturing surfboards of all forms and shapes, few rise above the rest. These surfboard manufacturers were able to push their surfboard shaping technologies to perfection, producing only the best surfboards in the world designed even for the world’s top sur...Read more »
For the past fifty years plus, surfing legend Tom Morey has been designing custom surfboards and is known as one of the world’s foremost designers of surfboards and surfboard types. Some of his more famous designs are known as the Blue Machine, the Camel, the Peck Penetrator, the WaterSka...Read more »
Every surfer should have a soft surfboard in their quiver. This type surfboard gives you lots of versatility and as a serious surfer you need to have a wide range of surfboards. If you are a beginner, you also need to start with a soft surfboard. Soft Surfboards are fun, safer and add another di...Read more »
With the growth of the internet, the ease and availability of ordering surfing products and buying surfboards of all types online has become an acceptable way to shop and purchase a new board. However, buying a surfboard at your local surf shop may be preferable because you can touch it, pick i...Read more »